At Brown Chiropractic & Wellness Center, we want our patients to be as healthy as possible, so they can enjoy life as much as possible.
In an effort to support them in that endeavor, we recommend and make available products that are geared toward improving certain aspects of individual health.
Standard Process –
Whole Food Supplements
Our bodies were designed to eat whole foods that contain the necessary nutrients that our body needs for proper nourishment and health. While optimal nutrition is best achieved from a whole foods based diet, that is difficult to achieve considering the common diet and food supply that is based mainly on proicessed foods. Supplementing your diet with whole food nutritional supplements may be necessary to support overall health.
Standard Process has been a leader in the field of nutritional supplements for well over 70 years. Unlike many other supplement manufacturers, Standard Process is involved in every step of production. They organically grow raw foods on company owned farms and demonstrate the highest quality control standards in order to offer the highest quality of whole food supplements.
Contact us today about supplementing your diet for better health.